Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze
Players: 1-4
Time: 60 – 90 min
Interaction: Cooperative
Audience: Serious
Team up in Unmatched Adventures to take down the Mothman or Martian Invader in this cooperative stand-alone expansion for the card-driven miniatures game system. 4 new playable characters come in the box, but characters from any Unmatched set can be used as well. Players will coordinate their actions to try and stop the Villain and their minions before they can complete their schemes.
There are 4 playable characters in this box: Nikola Tesla, Annie Christmas, The Golden Bat, and Dr. Jill Trent
Designers: Rob Daviau, Noah Cohen, Justin D. Jacobson, Chris Leder, Brian Neff, Kevin Rodgers
How to Play: